Small Business

Bookkeeping services – to assist or to train so that your small business is current and has accurate information to make the best decisions needed to be successful.

Bookkeeping review services – review your current procedures and systems to see if there is room for improvement.

Compilation engagements – your company’s operations and financial position summarized in professional financial statements.

Personal Taxes

Personal income tax – to help you navigate our complicated tax system.

Personal income tax planning – we help you keep more of your hard-earned money.

Corporate Taxes

Canadian Corporate Income Tax – preparation of your company’s corporate income tax return and GIFI Schedules.


Estate work – includes guidance through the many income tax filing requirements for a deceased taxpayer.

Estate planning – a review of current estate plans and the tax implications.

Other Services

Consulting – tailored to your specific needs.
Workshops – various topics throughout the year from estate planning to personal budgeting.